Analyses of Material-Tissue Interfaces by Fourier Transform Infrared, Raman Spectroscopy, and Chemometrics
Antimicrobial peptide similarity and classification through rough set theory using physicochemical boundaries
Fabrication of Hybrid Crosslinked Network with Buffering Capabilities and Autonomous Strengthening Characteristics for Dental Adhesive
Modulating pH through lysine integrated dental adhesives
Multifunctional Monomer Acts as Co-initiator and Crosslinker to Provide Autonomous Strengthening with Enhanced Hydrolytic Stability in Dental Adhesives
New silyl-functionalized BisGMA provides autonomous strengthening without leaching for dental adhesives
Peptide Mediated Antimicrobial Dental Adhesive System
Photoinitiating Systems in Dentistry: Challenges and Advances. In J. Lalevée & J.-P. Fouassier
Structure-property relationships for wet dentin adhesive polymers
Threats to adhesive/dentin interfacial integrity and next generation bio-enabled multifunctional adhesives