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University of Kansas Medical Center Researchers Awarded American Cancer Society Grants

April 28, 2017

Three University of Kansas Medical Center researchers received funding from the American Cancer Society (ACS). The $1.15 million in ACS grants will fund critical university research in the areas of prostate and breast cancer, as well as support the training of junior faculty.

Researcher Jill Hamilton-Reeves, PhD was awarded a $725,000 grant for her research on dietary interventions that affect the life expectancy in men who have had prostate cancer surgery. Christa Manton, PhD was awarded a $163,500 grant to research a protein that suppresses the progression and metastasis of breast cancer.  And Bruce F. Kimler, PhD was awarded a $270,000 institutional research grant for the development of junior faculty in cancer research. 

Breast cancer is the second-most common cancer in U.S. women, while prostate cancer is the second leading cancer killer of men in the U.S. For more than 70 years, ACS has funded millions of dollars in cancer research and training of health professionals.

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