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Priyanka Sharma named Chair-Elect of ASCO Research Committee

Priyanka Sharma

June 26, 2023

Priyanka Sharma, MD, breast medical oncologist at The University of Kansas Cancer Center, has been named chair-elect of ASCO’s Research Committee. 

The ASCO Research Committee aims to transform and advance cancer research and is comprised ASCO staff and members representing various medical oncology subspecialities. ASCO research committee supports several aspects of ASCO’s research activities, including prioritizing and carrying out ASCO research projects, development of ASCO’s annual research priorities and communicating with key stakeholders on emerging research topics. 

“I am truly humbled and excited to undertake this role and serve a crucial and impactful organization like ASCO. I look forward to working with ASCO staff and committee members over the next three years,” Dr. Sharma said. 

Dr. Sharma will serve on the committee as chair-elect through 2023, chair through 2024 and past chair through 2025.

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